Building trust & long-term client relationships
Inspired by the Sales Success for Building Your Practice webinar, check out the following tools for ideas and suggestions for building trust and long-term client relationships.
…Welcome to the Resource Library, a project of the Galliard Family Business Advisor Institute. Here's the full collection. Some content is available for members only.
Inspired by the Sales Success for Building Your Practice webinar, check out the following tools for ideas and suggestions for building trust and long-term client relationships.
…Galliard FBA Institute would like to thank our long-time member Gary Kieper for this resource, which was derived from our member webinar, Sales Success for Building Your Practice: Stop Selling and Start Connecting!
…Try this on…Notice how your body feels and what emotions you experience as you think to yourself, “In order to build my family business advising practice, I need to do more sales calls, increase my conversion rate, and close more business.” (Pause)
…Do you love the work you do but feel uncomfortable with the sales conversation? Even the most highly skilled Family Business Advisors can struggle with converting a referral or inquiry into a closed sale.
…“I feel like I’m molting,” I found myself saying to a friend earlier this week. Have you ever experienced that—you experience so many big changes in a compressed time period, that you feel like you’ve shed a layer of skin, or maybe two or three?
…In this webinar, author John F. Dini presents lessons from his latest book, Your Exit Map: Navigating the Boomer Bust.