An introduction to Flevy Business toolkits
If you’re a Galliard Family Business Advisor, we recommend checking out the Flevy marketplace for consulting frameworks and other tools.
The materials are of the same caliber as those produced by top-tier management consulting firms, and most were developed by seasoned executives and consultants with 20+ years of experience.
Flevy lets you access established business frameworks & methodologies, presentation templates, and other consulting tools, so you can “look like the big guys” for a fraction of the cost.
Galliard Certified Advisor Bill Branson uses Flevy to enhance the quality and accelerate the development of his business presentations. He appreciates being able to quickly adapt documents and PowerPoint presentations for his purposes.
“It’s also a great educational resource,” says Bill, who sometimes uses Flevy to learn advanced business concepts and generate ideas. After using the resource for years, Bill says “it’s almost like taking a Master’s course” in business.
In this webinar, Bill chats with David Tang, the young entrepreneur behind this exciting service that fills a business gap that many consultants need: access to shared tools and presentations at the press of a button.